Eacam Wireless Audio Baby Monitor Talk Back Long Range Transmission VO – souqalbaik


Two-Way Talk Back: built-in microphone and speaker for clear two-way audio conversations, enables you to hear your baby and talk to your baby as well.
Adopt FHSS, Anti-interference, and sound clarity. Long-distance transmission 200-300 meters in the open field.
VOX Function: under VOX mode, it automatically puts the transmitter in sleep mode to save battery. It reactivates automatically when it detects noise in the baby's room.
A soothing night light on the baby unit gently illuminates a dark night. Both the parent unit and baby unit allow you to turn on or off the nightlight on the baby unit.
Built-in lullabies to comfort your baby or help her/him fall asleep. Both the parent unit and baby unit allow you to play music.
Dual power supply mode, by-charger, or 3pcs AAA dry battery power supply (Not including).

Material: ABS
Color: White
Receiver sensitivity: <=-92dBm
Transmission distance: 200-300 meters(in the open field)
Operating temperature: 0β„ƒο½ž50℃
Power supply mode: by-charger or 3pcs AAA dry battery(Not including)
Product weight: 159g
Product size: 9*7*2.5cm
Package weight: 417g
Package size: 22*13*6cm

Package list:
2*Power adapter
1*User manual

  • 🚩 Two-Way Talk Back: built-in microphone and speaker for clear two-way audio conversations, enables you to hear your baby and talk to your baby as well. Adopt FHSS, Anti-interference and sound clarity. Long distance transmission 200-300 meters in the open field.
  • 🚩 VOX Function: under VOX mode, it automatically puts the transmitter in sleep mode to save battery. It reactivates automatically when it detects noise in the baby's room.
  • 🚩 A soothing night light on the baby unit gently illuminates a dark night. Both the parent unit and baby unit allow you to turn on or off the nightlight on the baby unit.
  • 🚩 Built-in lullabies to comfort your baby or help her/him fall asleep. Both the parent unit and baby unit allow you to play music.
  • 🚩 Dual power supply mode, by-charger, or 3pcs AAA dry battery power supply (Not including).
Special features
Long Range
Talking range maximum
300 Meters
Age range (description)
Tuner technology

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Eacam Wireless Audio Baby Monitor Talk Back Long Range Transmission VOX Mode Night Light Music Play Volume Adjustment Dual Power Supply

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Category: Baby monitors, Best Selling Products, Newest Products


Description Features: Two-Way Talk Back: built-in microphone and speaker for clear two-way audio conversations, enables you to hear your baby and talk to your baby as well. Adopt FHSS, Anti-interference,...

Regular price 84.99 SR Sale 100.00 SR

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