TDOO 4 in 1 Baby Walker, Multifunctional Height Adjustable Baby Walker – souqalbaik
  • 4 in 1 Baby Walker - The walker can be used in four ways - as a toddler, stroller (free walk), child's toy chair or dining chair, and as a stroller/pram. Even if your baby learns to walk, this versatile feature gives you the option to use the walker. A walker is great for babies/children 6 months and older.
  • Versatile Design and Thoughtful Functions - The walker has multiple functions to provide you and your child with a smooth and enjoyable experience. It has adult push handles, baby push handles, washable diapers (like baby chairs), play/food trays with toys, music. and lights, height adjustment buttons, removable leg rests, eight wheels and extra wide base.
  • Removable and Washable Diaper-like Seat Cushion - The baby chair seat is removable and easy to clean. In addition, the shape of the seat cushion does not affect the development of the hip bones. It effectively supports the weight of the legs and reduces the pressure on the legs. Also, for the baby's leg support, there is a supporter at the bottom.
  • Adjustable height - The baby walker has a height adjustment button through which you can adjust the height of the baby walker to four levels to meet your baby's requirements.
  • Easy to store,carry and transport - The toddler frame can be folded to reduce its size to 20%, so it takes up less space and can be easily carried or transported anywhere you want. Additional features like leg rests, toy trays,

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- Ribbed and double stitched collar and armholes

- High-density fabric for vivid print clarity

- Machine-wash safeSingle right rear button flap pocket

- Products are proudly printed in the United States

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TDOO 4 in 1 Baby Walker, Multifunctional Height Adjustable Baby Walker, Stroller with Removable Music Tray Toys | Foot Pads | Learning Seat Swivel Wheels Safe and Comfortable for 6-18 Months

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SKU: B0CP93225S

Category: Best Selling Products, KIKO walker, Newest Products, RAMADAN DEAL ON BABY TRANSPORT


4 in 1 Baby Walker - The walker can be used in four ways - as a toddler, stroller (free walk), child's toy chair or dining chair, and as a...

Regular price 180.00 SR Sale 210.00 SR
