Pampers Premium Care, Size 3, Midi, 6-10 kg, Super Saver Pack, 80 Diap – souqalbaik

Pampers Premium Care Taped Baby Diaper in size 3 is soft and gentle on your little one’s skin. It offers the best skin protection and softest absorption to ensure your baby will have up to 100% leak-free comfort for over 12 hours. Designed in German labs, these diapers have been voted the softest diapers in the Saudi by moms. They offer cotton-like softness, and their built-in lotion provides your baby with the softest touch to help prevent skin rashes.    What is the difference between Pampers and Pampers Premium Care? Pampers Premium Care Baby Diapers come with a special layer to ensure extra absorption and prevent runny or messiness. This extra layer helps distribute wetness evenly, thereby ensuring dryness and less bulk. How big is a size 3 pamper? Pampers baby diapers size 3 are designed to provide comfortable care and protection to babies weighing from 6-10 kg. Pampers Size 3 Diapers also come with a wetness indicator that turns from yellow to blue when in contact with fluids. This helps parents know when it’s time to change. No wonder Pampers Premium Care is the no.1 choice of mums around the world. Stock up on Pampers premium care size 3 super saver pack to your diaper essentials to ensure the ultimate skin protection of your little one any time of the day.

  • ULTIMATE SKIN PROTECTION & SOFTEST ABSORPTION: Pampers Premium Care Taped Diapers come with cotton-like softness and built-in lotion to ensure unique softest absorption for ultimate skin protection.
  • SOFTEST DIAPER IN THE SAUDI: These diapers provide all round soft and stretchy sides, gently wrapping your baby in silky softness to give an extra comfortable fit. They protect your baby’s delicate belly and comfortably snug your baby’s body. No wonder Pampers premium care diapers are the softest diapers in the Saudi.
  • COMFORTABLE, SUPERIOR FIT: Pampers Premium Care Taped Baby Diapers are the most comfortable diapers. They are constructed with cotton-like materials and soft, repositionable strips to ensure the diaper fits perfectly on your baby. With their stretchy belt and leg cuffs, the diapers gently adapt to the baby’s movements.
  • BREATHABLE MATERIALS: These diapers are made with a lotion that helps protect your baby from skin irritation. The breathable materials with micropores let fresh air in and humid air out allowing the skin to breathe freely.
  • QUICK DRY SYSTEM: Driven by its super absorbent quilts, Pampers Premium Care Diapers pull away wetness and provide soft and silky feel to your baby’s skin.
  • RUNNY-MESS ABSORPTION: The only diaper lined with a unique Absorb-Away Layer. The Premium Care Diaper technology will pull wetness and mess away from your baby’s skin to ensure even better protection against irritation.
  • WETNESS INDICATOR: Made with features you and your baby will love, these Pampers diapers come with a handy wetness indicator that simply goes from yellow to blue, so you always know when it might be time to change.

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Pampers Premium Care, Size 3, Midi, 6-10 kg, Super Saver Pack, 80 Diapers

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Category: Best Selling Products, Diaper, Newest Products

Tags: diaper

Pampers Premium Care Taped Baby Diaper in size 3 is soft and gentle on your little one’s skin. It offers the best skin protection and softest absorption to ensure your...

Regular price 72.99 SR Sale 100.00 SR
